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Back To Work Mom Energiser
Discovery Session

Discover How To Transfer Your Skills To Another Job-path, Industry or Career-path and Still be Committed To The Relationships That Matter Most To You

If you've been away from work for a while, it can be nerve-racking trying to fit back into the workplace, more so if your career path or job requirement have transitioned over time. And it can be more stressful and a mental drain to want to change your job or career path and NOT know how to transfer your valuable skills, competencies, experience, and knowledge to communicate relevance to any employer or recruiter. 

This is a 3-hour block Discovery Session.

October 14-16 2019, 12pm UK|7am ET

(An hour each day)


How Will This Coaching Session Work?

  • Once you get signed up for any of the sessions above, you'll receive a skill and capability Worksheet. We will use this during your coaching calls.

  • When each call commences, we'll take a moment to reflect on the learnings and impact from previous sessions.

  • Then I'll walk you through how to transfer your skills, and also do a deep-dive on the experiences on your CV. You'll take the time to think deep and pull out the skills that'll be relevant in your next role, and we'll also analyze what makes you thick. During this time you would complete your Skill and Capability Worksheet.

  • I'll open the floor to take on questions from you at the end of each session. 

I want to help you walk through this time of transition back into the workplace. If you need to get out there, you deserve to do so fully energised, with healthy doses of self-awareness and self-confidence. 

Who Am I To Talk To You About Going Back To Work & Skills Transfer?

Hi lovey, I am Nkechie Ilori, founder of the School of Achievers, a life-changing author, a believer in anything is possible, a 'yes' sayer, with a buzzing mind, and professionally known as Emma Ilori. I remember moving from one continent to another 9 years ago and having to switch careers from an engineering field to something else; the journey to the discovery of what 'something else' meant was a hard and gruesome one. Yet I was determined to chase my professional dream (I hit brick walls on the way, to be honest) and in so doing, I found it. Today, helping and inspiring professional achievers like you to reach your dreams and transcend your expectations is something I am passionate about and why The School of Achievers was founded.

I am also a mum of 3 who were all once under 3 years of age. In almost 10 years, I have worked for 3 FTSE 100 companies, across administration, project management, change management organisation design, organisation development, and change implementation. And I've been successful at doing this by understanding my skillsets and transferring them effectively. You can also!

It is time to turn your career dream into a reality so that that exceptional intrapreneur in you can come out and shine. There is more in you to give.


in over ......



with passions in over ......



across over ......





.... we are still expanding!


A real game changer!

"Nkechie is knowledgeable about various career subject matters. She worked with me in a calm, friendly and professional manner taking me through each step. Each session felt like it was tailor-made to suit my needs. She asked me the right questions, listened without making me feel I was being judged and put in the right cues to help me recount and appreciate my previous work experiences.  She helped me to get rid of the fear of change and to see the strength and relevance of my past work experiences in the career direction I wanted to go.


She pulled all my experiences together into a professional cv and gave me sufficient room to critique and comment on the cv until I was happy with the end result.

The experience has been a real game changer for me.''

I got into the role I wanted within 2 weeks!


PROJECT MANAGEMENT (Over 9+ Years Experience)

@2019. The School Of Achievers (A Bagdis Incorporated Ltd Brand).

 Equipping and inspiring you to be the passionate and successful intrapreneur you desire to be.

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